Wrapped in a Snowsuit

Merry Christmas to all our family and many friends!
If you can guess by the title of today’s blog entry….we did receive the best gift we have ever received as a family, and will likely, ever receive when Nicholas came in, wrapped in a snowsuit at 8am today!  The colors of his snowsuit were prettier than any gift wrapping paper I have ever seen!  We were upstairs in the resturant having breakfast when the local coordinators brought all 4 of the children in the lobby.  I was away from our table, so I missed it when Sonya spotted them in the lobby.  In that I turned to see her gone, and the other mothers trailing close behind her, I think she moved quicker than I have ever seen her move, quicker than any child probably ran down to see what Santa had left for them under the Christmas Tree on Christmas Day!!!
The next thing we knew is that Nicholas had been handed to Tige, another of our adoptive fathers here, and Nicholas quickly answered our fears as to whether he would recognize us when Nicholas began to wail as he looked at Tige   Nicholas was passed over to us, and he then recognized which of us were his real parents and calmed down quickly.  We then fed him, and he was all smiles once again!
Speaking of smiles, today has been a day of many, many smiles, from all of us.  We have been smiling all day, in spite of him not liking the doctor’s appointment (which we expected from him).  Sonya commented earlier tonight, as we were putting him down for bed, that she had seen Nicholas smile more today than we had ever seen him smile in Karaganda during our three weeks with him there.  The other three children were much the same in quickly recognizing their new mothers and dads.  Speaking of dads….Nicholas is actually saying "DA DA" now…you go boy!
Our Christmas is now complete.  We are blessed in more ways than we can convey by being given this wonderful child to be our own.  Probably the best way for me to convey this thought is by sharing what the doctor who evaluated Nicholas said to us today when she said:"He was waiting for you two, he loves you".
No other words are needed.
Enjoy the pics from today, and by the way, as I write….it is snowing.  A true White Christmas is being experienced by us all.
Merry Christmas with love,
Brent, Sonya, and Nicholas
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