We Are Back!

So, we arrived in Almaty this morning-on time and with no problems during travel.  Almaty is experiencing snow today, the landscape has the look of fresh snow, it feels like Winter, but not too cold-thankfully! We hardly ever see snow in the part of North Carolina that we call home, but according to the last forecast for Almaty that I have seen, it will be very likely that Sonya and I will get to experience our first White Christmas with our son!  The part that is uncertain is whether it will be snowing here on Christmas Day, not whether Nicholas will be here. Nicholas and the other children from Karaganda being adopted by the families in our group all arrive at our hotel at 9AM local time on Christmas Eve.  What a wonderful way to spend Christmas Eve and  Christmas- with our new son!! It reminds me that  Christmas is about celebrating God sending His Son as a "gift" to humanity. Sonya and I now have an additional reason to celebrate Christmas in a new way as our perception of Christmas, and the gift that God has given, takes on a new perspective for our family.  We have been given the gift of our child on Christmas Eve…I am at a loss for words that will express what this means to us..
After he arrives we will be off to attend to some appointments that are required to complete the adoption process before returning home later this week.  So, the day will be a busy one.
Today, we are resting and trying to prepare for Nicholas’ arrival. We have been shopping for diapers, baby food, and the like, while enjoying the snow.  Our plan is to eat n early dinner, then turn in early for some much needed rest.
We don’t have any new pics for today, but visit our blog on Christmas Eve, I have a feeling there will be a "few" pictures then!!- and throughout the remainder of the week.
Until tomorrow- Das Vidanya!
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3 Responses to We Are Back!

  1. Unknown says:

    hey boykins…. by the time you guys read this it should be christmas eve over there so that means nicholas is with you!!!!  saying to have a merry christmas just seems so mute when you think of the big picture and what it really means today!!!!   have a safe trip, congrats, and sonya hit brent with a snowball for me!!!   christy and nathan

  2. Unknown says:

    So glad to hear you got there safely!  As I type this it is Christmas Eve morning (very early).  I hope that your Christmas is a wonderful as you could have ever imagined!  That you are not completely exhausted from travel, and that you may get home safely.  Will you see any of the other families in Almaty while you are there? (The Woods, the Morrisons, or Jen and Marshall?).  Have a Merry Merry Christmas!

  3. Unknown says:

    I\’m glad both of you made it there ok.
    I\’m sure this is a MAJOR Christmas present for you both!
    Merry Christmas!!!  Give Nick a lot of hugs for me!
    Stay safe, we will see the three of you back in NC the 28th!
    – Siv

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