Fall is Here

It is naptime on a Saturday…so I am doing a little catchin’ up on some blogs and emails!
Since I last updated, we have been to Bryson City in the NC mtns for a very brief weekend.  One of my coworkers got married up there.  It was such a beautiful weekend, and the leaves were just beginning to change…so it was nice to see.  The trip was rough for Nick!  That is his farthest car trip to date…almost 6 hours.  Brent and I were not blessed with one of those children that sleep in the carseat!  Don’t get me wrong…he is a blessing…just not in that way!  So, if we are going that far away by car…it needs to be longer than a 2 day weekend!  MaMaRee went with us and babysat while we went to the wedding.
As you can see from the photos, my Dad is in the hospital.  The first time I took Nick there to visit Dad, Nick climbed up into his bed, gave him a kiss and then laid his head on Dad’s chest.  It was so touching to see.  It was surprising to all of us, because Nicholas does not see my Dad that frequently.  My family lives about 2 1/2 hours from us.
Since I last posted, Nicholas has been diagnosed with asthma.  The primary trigger for his asthma is a cold or upper respiratory infection, so from now till at least Spring, we will be taking medicine daily with a nebulizer.  He also has a fast-acting medicine for flare-ups.  Unfortunately, since early September, we have had alot of colds…like every other week!  I hope something gives soon!  We were unable to take him to the State Fair this morning because he has another cold.
Soon, Nicholas will be evaluated by Early Intervention to see if he qualifies for help with his speech.  A pediatric therapist recently evaluated his physical development and she thought that was great and that he is "one smart cookie"!  She did say that she did not think his speech was up to the same level as the rest of his development, and she suggested the Early Intervention evaluation.  These evaluations are quite a process, so it will be interesting to see what they say.  Brent and I have been slightly concerned about his speech also, so we were not surprised at her suggestion.
Hopefully, Nicholas will be without a cold soon.  We would still like to get him to the State Fair.  I would also like to try and make it to Hill Ridge Farms one day for hay rides and the pumkin patch!  We have way too much to do this Fall!
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2 Responses to Fall is Here

  1. Diana says:

    I can\’t believe how big Nick has gotten.  He looks terrifc.  Hope he starts to feel better soon. I can\’t believe how much time has passed since you have been home.  Glad everything is going well. Hope your Dad gets better soon.

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