My Father’s Day-June 15, 2008

Hello all!!
It’s been awhile since I posted an update, but it could not come at a more appropriate time-my first Father’s Day!
I’ve had a few days now to reflect on the occassion, and to savor the fun of the day!
Really," savoring the fun" is what being a father, and a parent on the whole, is all about.  I look back to years gone by  and think about  what my dad must have thought as he watched me grow up.  Now, at least just a little, I know.  I can appreciate the fun he must have had as he watched me as a toddler, because I am now sharing some of the fun with him as we watch Nicholas grow (and, boy is he ever doing that!). I look forward to the fun with my son that will come with each new day.
My first Father’s Day was a mixed bag of work and fun.  The "work" part took most of my day as I worked at my job on Father’s Day.  The fun began when I got home that evening.  Namely,in  a little boy named Nicholas.  We had my parents come over for some cake and exchange of Father’s Day gifts, but the best part was sharing Nicholas with us all. Nicholas really enjoyed having us all together!  He played, laughed, and really seemed to soak up the fun (and some cake, of course)!
A year ago, there was no grandson in the family, and no son to make me really a father.  And, even more than that, Nicholas was without his father.  Now, my father has a grandson, I have a son in Nicholas, and Nicholas has a father.  Does anything more need to be said?
My first Father’s Day as a father may have tought me one of the better lessons I can learn as a father- "Savor the Fun" as a parent every day, not just on special days. 
At least for me, every day with Nicholas is a special day!!
Until next time…
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2 Responses to My Father’s Day-June 15, 2008

  1. Brian says:

    Brent, happy belated Father\’s Day!!

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